Home Sport Mashale tipped for LNA presidency

Mashale tipped for LNA presidency

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Pascalinah Kabi

MASERU — Lesotho Netball Association (LNA) general secretary Moipone Mashale is tipped to take over the presidency of the association during elections scheduled for Victoria Hotel today.

The LNA is also expected to elect a new national executive committee at the indaba.

Mashale was two weeks ago elected president of the Confederation of Southern African Netball Association (Cosana) in Namibia.

If elected Mashale will replace Limpho Mokhochane who last year expressed a wish to step down.

Mokhochane is currently the president of the Lesotho Sports and Recreation Commission (LSRC).

“After today, netball will have a new president because the current president (Mokhochane) wanted to resign last year but we asked her to at least wait until this election,” ’Makhotso Mokoatle LNA vice-president told the Sunday Express on Friday.

“The meeting will be held at Victoria Hotel on Sunday (today) and we are expecting 45 delegates who are eligible to take part in the elections.”

Mokoatle said there was a general feeling that Mashale should not be under someone’s authority in Lesotho while being president of the regional netball association.

“That will not make sense for the regional president to work under someone else locally,” she said.

Mokoatle added that it would be wise for the association to re-elect the current committee because of their excellent record over the past two years.

“If the people elect fairly and depending on the current situation in netball, it would be wise to retain this committee.

“It has worked very hard in developing netball in the country,” she said.

The committee had also managed to convince the International Federation of Netball Association to come and train local coaches.

Through its efforts, the IFNA sponsored Lesotho’s development programmes at primary and high school level to the tune of M49 000.

Mokoatle said under the current committee Lesotho had also managed to produce an umpire, Lephole Chakatsa, to handle matches in Africa.

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