Home Xpress PeopleLifestyle Theatre group scouts for talent

Theatre group scouts for talent

by Sunday Express
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SX 12Mohalenyane Phakela

MASERU — Local theatre group Basotho Intelligent and Creative Theatre Group (BICTG) is set to host its first-ever talent search show at Sefika High School hall on November 30.

BICTG was formed in 2009 with aim of empowering Basotho throughout their different talents.

So far, it is one of the few organisations that has taken the initiative to stop the spread of tuberculosis in the country.

It has partnered with theatres from other countries with which they share different ideas on how to control the bacteria.

The Basotho Got Talent show will have actors in different categories showcasing what they  are made of on stage.

There will be drama, dance, modelling, poetry and music in the competition.

“Our talent search will be different from others that have been held in the country, in that, we will award certificates to the winners that will serve as a lifetime reference in their respective career paths,” founder of the group Molefi Ntsonyana told XpressPeople in an interview on Thursday.

“We will have formal presentations just before they start competing as a form of career guidance for the entrants.

“We will be addressing the way in which our youth can make a living through their talents.”

“Graduates are always complaining of the high unemployment rate, we think it is high time they extract that special talent stored in them earn a living,” Ntsonyana said.

He further said that they will do follow-ups to check if people are really flourishing in their line of expertise.

They will also give them courage to keep pushing and never to give up.

The show is intended to be an annual event, with a number of other shows in between.

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