Home Sport Lehakoe to host unique netball tournament

Lehakoe to host unique netball tournament

by Sunday Express
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Moorosi Tsiane

Prince Netball Stars will host a 16-team mixed netball tournament at Lehakoe Recreational Centre from 22-23 November.

Dubbed the 2014 Closing Mixed Netball Extravaganza, the event would feature teams from Maseru, Leribe, Mafeteng and Mohale’s Hoek.

In an interview, Prince Stars team manager, Tumelo Sefali, told the Sunday Express that the tournament seeks to reinforce the new format of netball in Lesotho and also dispel the old belief that netball is only for female members of society.

“Early this year, the International Federation of Netball Associations (IFNA) introduced this format of the game, where male and female players would form one team. We also saw the need to launch this format of the game in this country, so we are expecting 16 teams from Maseru, Mafeteng, Leribe and Mohale’s Hoek to be part of this tournament but so far, only 13 have confirmed that they will make it,” Sefali said.

“Netball used to be known as a feminine sport so we are really pushing on changing that mentality.”

According to Sefali, winners of the tournament would walk away M1300 richer, while the runners-up and third-placed team pocket M1000 and M700, respectively.

Sefali further urged the nation to start supporting men who play netball as it was no longer a  woman’s sport only.

“I wish Basotho could start supporting men who play netball. These men should not be treated as inferior because netball is no longer played by women only in other countries so we also have to change our mentality regarding the sport.”

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