Home Xpress PeopleLifestyle Mother’s Day treat at Lehakoe Club

Mother’s Day treat at Lehakoe Club

by Sunday Express
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Mohalenyane Phakela

TO celebrate Mother’s Day, Mojabeng Ts’ehla, has partnered with EITT Designs to treat ladies and their families at Lehakoe Club today at 12pm.

Mojabeng Ts'ehla..The event, dubbed Mothers to the Third Generation Tea Party, caters for mothers and their children as well as mothers-to-be.
“I have noticed that children, especially daughters, have different relationships with their mothers,” said Ts’ehla.
“Giving myself as an example, we are three girls in my family, and we all have different relationships with our mother and I have been wondering what causes that.
“I am in my mid 20’s and since someday, hopefully soon, I will be a mother too, my mind has been filled with questions of how to go about this motherhood issue.”
“I decided to have this show because I believe we share the same sentiments with other Basotho women and motherhood is one of those topics that are poorly-addressed yet it is the biggest influence of every child’s life; be they male or female.”

According to Ts’ehla, men should also show up at the event to support the special women in their lives and find out “what really tickles their fancy”.
“If you are a mother, daughter, sister, guardian or spiritual mother, you will not want to miss this unique event,” went on Ts’ehla.
“It is high time you have fun together, learn different things about each other and strengthen your bonds.
“This will enable you to dig deep into the challenges of your relationship, and learn to navigate those challenges that emerge as children enter adulthood.”

The event, Ts’ehla said, will feature a number of speakers such as award-winning chef Ska Moteane and renowned counsellor Tebatso Molapo, “who will help keep a good relationship strong and revive one that is falling apart”.

Furthermore, Molapo’s session is designed to equip attendees on how to handle conflicts, improve communication and learn to respect each other.
“To spice things up, there will be a performance from a surprise band and a fashion show,” added Ts’ehla.
“We will be popping champagne to celebrate the special Mother’s Day, while DJ Counter Force holds it down behind the decks and making us dance.”

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