Home NewsLocal Metsing tells supporters not to be arrogant in victory

Metsing tells supporters not to be arrogant in victory

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Nat Molomo MASERU — Lesotho Congress for Democracy (LCD) leader Mothetjoa Metsing has warned his party’s supporters not to be arrogant following last month’s electoral success.

Addressing supporters at the party’s head office who had gathered to celebrate the swearing in of the party’s 30 MPs at parliament earlier on Wednesday, Metsing said they should not let victory go to their
heads. “I want to warn you not to be arrogant in your victory which we have achieved in parliament,” the LCD leader said.

“This is neither your victory alone nor anybody else’s for that matter. It is a victory for all Basotho wherever they are, it is a victory for change and development,” he said.

The LCD came a distant third when it won 26 seats in the May 26 elections.

The party is however now part of the government after it joined forces with Thomas Thabane’s All Basotho Convention and the Basotho National Party to form a coalition government, ending Pakalitha Mosisili’s 14-year grip on power. Metsing, who is tipped to be the new deputy prime minister, told the party supporters “not to be too arrogant in your victory which we have achieved today in parliament”.

He said he was happy to see Basotho coming together in their various party colours to celebrate “what is truly their victory”.

He said this showed that people can achieve much “when they work together than when they work against each other”.

Metsing however warned his supporters not to “take pride in humiliating those who have lost by singing songs or using language that is offensive or degrading”.

He was probably alluding to the chaotic scenes at parliament on Wednesday when ABC, LCD and BNP supporters mocked DC supporters. They held a coffin marked DC to celebrate the ousting of the former ruling party from power.

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