Home Business EU pledges M188m to Lesotho govt

EU pledges M188m to Lesotho govt

by Sunday Express
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Stakeholders who included government officials, representatives from civil society organisations, parastatals and development partners, from among others, the World Bank, African Development Bank, and European Union, met in Maseru from March 31 to April 1, to review the country’s development programmes.

The meeting, which took place at the Lehakoe Recreation and Cultural Centre, was the Sixth Joint Annual Review of General Budget Support the country has held to-date.

This year’s financial support from donors would largely be determined by the results of the meeting, with preliminary results indicating that in 2013 government demonstrated “good progress” in the following: achieving macroeconomic stability, enhancing industrial development, and the fight against HIV/Aids.

Good progress was also recorded in performance-indicators dealing with the investment climate, education, and social protection, the preliminary results further show.

According to a statement issued after the meeting, Lesotho is set to be awarded M188 million by the European Union (EU) following its favourable assessment.
“The Joint Annual Review provides a forum for reviewing progress in the country’s development programme in areas such as education, health, transport and public finance management reform.
“Subject to further verification and approval, the government can expect financial support up to M188 million from the European Union,” part of the statement reads.

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