Home Xpress PeopleLifestyle DJ Sbu disappoints revellers

DJ Sbu disappoints revellers

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Lerato Matheka

MASERU — Revellers at the “Vandal Party” at the Bambatha Tsita Sports Arena on Friday night waited until they could wait no more for South Africa’s top radio presenter, DJ Sbu.

As night hours ticked away and the wee hours of the morning approached most revellers started streaming out of the venue.

They had resigned to the fact that DJ Sbu, the man they had come to see, was not going to make it. It was therefore not surprising that most of the revellers who spoke to Xpress People were furious. Earlier, they had been told to wait outside the arena because of a football match.

The build up to the main act — DJ Sbu, had been fantastic. South Africa’s kwaito artist Brickz came late but made it up to the revellers with a dazzling performance.

Lungelo, DJ Josi Cafe, Kenlow, Mr Spike and Harris T, who are all South Africa artists, did their bits for the crowd.  Yet that still did not make up for the fact that DJ Sbu was nowhere to be seen.

The fact that the popular DJ had addressed a press conference in Maseru on Tuesday made his “no-show” even more confusing. One of the organisers of the show Teboho Lebakeng told Xpress People that DJ Sbu had only came at 05:30 am.

“Sbu arrived at 05:30 in the morning and performed so those that witnessed him were satisfied but I guess a large number was disappointed,” Lebakeng said. “He had to leave immediately after his performance because his colleague had died. I hope that people understand Sbu had a crisis.”

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