Lijeng Ranooe
THE Maseru City Council (MCC) on Thursday unveiled thirty new street-lights in Ha-Mabote, Maseru as part of launched a programme to light up the entire district of Maseru.
Speaking at the event, Local Government Minister, Habofanoe Lehana, said the new lights were part of an ongoing initiative and commended MCC for taking on the task despite the challenges they faced.
“The street lights were long overdue and it is a task that MCC has taken on even though their efforts have often faced challenges such as lack of funds and theft of equipment by the very community that we are trying to help,” Mr Lehana said.
“The 30 lights that have been installed are only the first of a series around Maseru; there will be more.
“It is my hope that these lights will help reduce crime significantly. The crimes committed against women and young girls in the country have gotten out of hand and I hope these street lights contribute to their safety as well as that of the community during the night.”
Mr Lehana said the maintenance of each street light would cost M3000 per month, adding this was costly project and which would implemented gradually. He called upon the community to play their part in maintaining the lights by paying their municipal service fees on time.
“This project will require the cooperation of various parties and organisations. I want to urge the Ministry of Finance to provide more financial support to the MCC.
“I’m currently negotiating with the Lesotho Electricity Company to assume responsibility of maintaining in working order at all times. It is also an issue I will take up with the minister of energy,” he said.
For his part, the Minister of Defence and National Security, Sentje Lebona, thanked MCC on behalf of the Minster of Police and Public Safety for its efforts which would help reduce crime in the area.
“These lights are extremely important for the safety of the entire Maseru district not just the Ha- Mabote area,” Mr Lebona said.
He also encouraged the public to assist police with information to combat crime.