Ntsebeng Motsoeli
MASERU — Business at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology came to a halt on Thursday after students went on a brief strike to protest against what they called “poor management and lack of basic services”.
The students said they wanted the college to provide internet services.
They said they had not had access to the internet since a few weeks before the Easter holiday break and their pleas to the college’s management had gone largely unheeded.
The students told the Sunday Express that by Thursday only two computers in all of Limkokwing’s four computer laboratories and in the e-library had internet connection.
“We need the internet. The management knows better that all of us need internet for almost every course,” said a female student who refused to give her name saying the management had threatened to expel any student who spoke to the media about the issue.
“Without it we are not able to do our reseacrh work. We cannot access the books which the school has also failed to provide to us.”
Another student said at one time the management had blamed Econet Telecom Lesotho, the university’s service provider, for the lack of internet connection.
“But when we went to check with Econet Telecom Lesotho we found that the management was not telling the truth,” he said.
“Officers at Econet Telecom Lesotho said the allegations were not true.
“We went back to the management and they had nowhere else to hide.
“That was when they started making empty promises.”
Students did not attend lectures the whole of Thursday.
Instead they gathered around the school premises, singing songs of protest.
They were later addressed by the acting academic head, Mpapa Seme.
Business was however back to normal on Friday as students attended classes despite the unavailability of the internet.
A receptionist at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology’s would not pass several calls by the Sunday Express to the management claiming they were in a meeting.