Mohloai Mpesi
THE Portfolio Committee on the Economic and Development Cluster has recommended slashing the budget for international trips in ministries it oversees by a significant 50 percent.
The recommendation is outlined in the committee’s consolidated input on the annual budget for the 2025/2026 financial year
The committee deemed it unreasonable for ministries under its cluster to receive M19.2 million without a clear schedule of statutory international meetings.
The committee oversees the ministries of Finance and Development Planning, and Trade, Industry and Business Development.
International travel by politicians and civil servants remains a major cost center for Basotho taxpayers with these travels not seen producing much but fat per diems for the travellers.
The report recommends that the M19.2 million allocated for international trips be reduced by 50 percent, bringing it down to M9.6 million.
“The Ministry of Finance’s budget of M19.2 million for international trips seemed excessively high, especially without a clear calendar of statutory international meetings,” the report notes.
“The Committee observed that the budget allocation in 2023/24 was M5 million, but it increased dramatically in 2024/25 to M15.6 million.”
The report further suggests that all ministries and departments should reduce their international trip budgets by at least 50 percent, with a few exceptions of the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Relations, the Ministry of Labour and Employment, and Parliament.
“Across all ministries, international fares and subsistence should be cut by 50%,” the report states.
Additionally, the report highlights a sharp increase in the Ministry of Environment and Forestry’s international trips, which rose from M72,000 in 2024/2025 to M496,123 in 2025/2026. The committee has instructed the Ministry to reduce this allocation.
“The committee noted the significant increase in international fares from M72,000 in 2024/25 to M496,123 in 2025/26 and has requested the Ministry to cut this allocation. The Ministry has agreed to cancel all non-essential international trips, except for those that are fully funded, resulting in savings of approximately M480,000. These savings will be reallocated towards vehicle procurement or the acquisition of a fleet management system.”