THABA TSEKA — In its on-going mission to eradicate all forms of human abuse, Sesotho Media and Development (SM&D) held a film-screening followed event by discussion, at Mohlanapeng last Wednesday.
Through the structured research that was conducted countrywide, SM&D learned that abuse exists in all 10 districts of Lesotho.
“Our mission is to bring forward the problems and find means of resolving them.
“The major problem is some people may not be aware that they are being abused or find it hard to report it,” explained Malehloa Kalati, SM&D facilitator.
Tu! SM&D’s documentary film showed people of Mohlapaneng different aspects of abuse.
Focusing on women abuse, the film shows why men beat up their wives.
In most cases it is because they (men) cheat on their partners and believe that their (wives) are doing the same and sometimes it may be due to alcohol abuse, the film suggests.
The villagers discussed what they had learnt from the film.
They agreed that they do live in abusive relationships but find it hard to bring the matter to justice.
Delving into the depth of human abuse, Bohlale Sentšo of SM&D said this needs to be stopped, whether it is physical or emotional abuse.
“You need to start working together as a community to fight this syndrome paralysing our nation.
“Men should stop considering beating their wives as a disciplinary measure and women should stop believing that if your man does not beat you he does not love you.
“What you do in your respective homes is passed on to the children as they reflect what their families do. Children tend to imitate their parents as they play.
“One last thing, stop giving children names that discriminate them as the Sesotho saying goes Lebitso lebe ke seromo which means you turn out to be what people call you,” he stressed out.
Through this SM&D inventiveness, residents of Mohlanapeng elected leaders who would ensure they meet on a regular basis to discuss and solve problems affecting them.