Mojabeng Dorcas Senekal
IT’S funny how we all wish we could wake up one day with a six-pack without having to exercise, without having to endure the boredom of performing one action over 30 times in one session.
Beginners wish they could see it in the mirror after their first complete workout, those who have been at it for a while wish the view was better than the present, and those who actually own a six pack work very hard to keep that way, they basically are living the six pack dream so they make sure to live there forever. Honour your own six pack dream, aim to perform the workout below between 2-4 times a week, either as a standalone session or bolted on to the end of your usual routine. With no rest between moves, it should take you just 10 minutes to complete. Combined with a good diet and good quality fat burning supplements; it will allow you to carve out your core in no time.
The long – arm crunch- 12 reps
Reverse crunch- 12 reps
Sit- up- 30 reps
Extended plank- 45 seconds
Like I said last week, we all need our own personal cheerleader, but the crime would be co- dependence. Imagine how proud your personal trainer would be if you stayed an extra hour after your session, or if you came in an hour earlier. Make this routine your side bar though, it’s the one you perform on your own, to keep yourself self-motivated, this is your tip to run away from co-dependence. It is winter; no one will blame you if your main focus is on building the abs and not the rest of your body parts. Here is your challenge for this season, keep up with your working out but never look at the progress, surprise yourself on the first day of spring.