MORE than 890 graduates were conferred with certificates and diplomas during Friday’s 22nd graduation ceremony at the Lesotho College of Education (LCE) in Maseru, amid calls for them maintain professionalism and commitment to the teaching profession.
The graduatess successfully completed studies for the Diploma in Education Secondary Technology Studies, Diploma in Education Primary, Diploma in Education Primary Distance Learning, Diploma in Education Secondary and Certificate in Early Childhood Education.
Speaking at the event, LCE Chancellor, Dr James Motlatsi, said the graduation capped the LCE’s great work towards fulfilling its 2016 to 2021 strategic plan to train teachers who will offer quality education to Basotho, urging graduands to be professional and committed to their work to fulfil this mandate.
Dr Motlatsi said although the institution was autonomous, it relied on government funding and contributions from students which were however, inadequate, hence the need for all stakeholders to chip in and assist the institution.
LCE Rector, Kabelo Mokobocho-Mohlakoana congratulated the graduates and reminded them that this was only the beginning as far bigger responsibilities in the provision of quality education to Basotho lay ahead of them.
“Remember to become good advocates and representatives of the college by being accountable and professional,” Dr Mokobocho-Mohlakoana said.
She assured Basotho that the college would constantly employ monitoring and evaluation techniques to ensure it remained on course to fulfilling its strategic plan of improving education for the development of the country.
For his part, LCE Governing Council Chairperson Gabriel Tlaba said the institution had done its part in preparing graduates to contribute to the overall development on Lesotho.
Speaking on behalf of graduates, Tebello Ntlhane thanked the LCE for its contribution to their learning, adding they not only looked forward to improving their own lives but those of different communities as well.
She however, bemoaned the shortage of resources which negatively impacted on the learning and teaching process, calling on the LCE to address the challenge.
Ms Ntlhane reminded fellow graduands that the teaching profession required passion and urged them to be role models to students.
Dr Motlatsi also presented awards to 21 students who performed well in different fields of study.–LENA